Monday, May 23, 2011

Pacific Coast Cruise-May3-13, 2011

My Dad took me, Larry and my sister on a 10 day cruise. It was very exciting. This was Larry's first cruise and my third. I knew Larry would love it and couldn't wait for him to see the Pacific Northwest for the first time. I lived in the Seattle area as a child and also the San Diego area for many years. Larry and I lived near Monterey while he was in the Army.

We used 3 camera's. I used my Canon point and shoot which is a fine camera and a Pentax DSLR which is the best of the bunch but kind of big but worth it for some extra beautiful pictures. Larry used our old Canon Power Shot camera. He was able to photograph several sunrises that I missed due to the fact I was sound asleep.

Ports of call after leaving San Diego were as follows:

We had 3 sea days.

Catalina Island-Beautiful day there around 80 degrees
San Francisco-Beautiful day but quite windy and chilly walking around. Meet up with some cousins there so that was very nice to have lunch with them at Fisherman's Wharf.
Astoria, Or-Also a bit chilly and windy. Small town on the Colombia River.
Seattle, WA.-Disappointed it was a very rainy day and could not see Mt. Rainier at all. We did go up the Space Needle and managed to make the most of the day. Many childhood memories there.
Victoria, BC- Great day and we could finally see some of the mountain ranges.
Vancouver, BC- Nice weather and beautiful sites and views of the mountains. Spent most of the day getting to the airport for the flight back to San Diego. We took the Sky Train which was fun once we figured out which train to take, etc. Larry figured it all out for us. Once at the airport we had a long wait before taking a small plane to Seattle. During the flight we did see Mt. Rainier and Larry was very impressed. I really wanted him to see it and he was glad he did.
San Diego, CA-Arrived from Seattle around 11pm. Took a shuttle back to my dad's house and arrived around Midnight. So a very long travel day.

Larry and I drove back to Sun City, AZ the next day which was Saturday the 14th. My sister stayed on an extra day and returned to Arizona on Sunday.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Oldest Grandson's 8th grade promotion

Andrew is 14 already. Lots of ups and downs getting to this point but we are proud of him. He is a sweet young man and wish him the best in High School.

2011-05-19 Drewpromotion

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Blogging again

You would think I would have plenty of time to write a blog being sorta retired. I think it was more of a writers block or just couldn't get in the mood so to speak. .

On the work front. Larry is completely retired from the Army, Medtronic and his last job as a school bus driver. He seems perfectly content doing the shopping, helping neighbors and helping with 2 of our grand kids that live nearby.

It is a completely different story for me. After a few months of no work coming in to my violin repair shop I was thinking for finding another line of work. Semi retired seems to agree with me. I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to do really. Working at home seemed the only thing I could still do and be comfortable with. I made a total of 5 dulcimers during the slow times in the shop over the last year or so. I didn't make any money but sure learned a lot about making fretted instruments. I made 2 for my son and one for my sister. Plus one for myself and a mini one to display on the wall.

Now I am happily busy again in my shop with violins coming in every week. Also I decided it was time to learn how to rehair bows. Something I never had the chance to learn while training as an apprentice many years ago. Did a lot of research on the Internet and ordered a few things. Told the music store I do some work for what I was planning to do. They were all for it and gave me some tools, horse hair and bows to practice on. Wow. I made my own jig, and gathered other things I needed to start the project. I was going to give it my best shot. Finished my first bow on my dad's 92 birthday and also the day of the Japanese earthquake. So there is know way I will forget that day.

So far I have rehaired about 10 bows since that first one and it has only been about 6 weeks. I still have a ways to go to improve on this skill. I had a lot of early frustration but I didn't let that stop me. Being able to teach myself is what is amazing to me at my advancing age. But in a way I am not too surprised. My last rehair was a Bass bow that I delivered today and I will be the first one I was get paid for.