Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Super Bowl Weekend

3D halftime. Fun picture I think
Dave more interested in the food than the game

Super Bowl Sunday in Lisa's backyard

They Cheered as I left the area and took their picture.
One of the said they were worried about Warner to Fitzgerald.
Off to lunch. Beautiful day to eat outside with some Steelers fans.
Made things interesting.

Papa watching a Soccor game going on on the football field with Aiden.
All decked out in Cardinals Gear
Saturday there was Andrew's baseball tryouts in Peoria

Been a while since I posted anything on our blogger. Missed a few birthdays. Sorry about that but kinda think it is hard to keep track sometimes. So Happy belated birthdays to Samuel who turned 11 in Novemeber. Daughter Lisa's birthday was in December. Shawn had a birthday in January and more recent Holly.

We had an interesting weekend with Arizona being in the Super Bowl in Tampa. Last year Arizona hosted the Super Bowl. Would have never crossed my mind the Cards might be in it one year later. Here are a few pics from our weekend.